Thursday, April 17, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

My name is Jeremy Werner, and I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I went to Tanglen Elementary School until sixth grade. From seventh to ninth grade, I went to Hopkins North Junior High School. I am currently a senior at Hopkins High School, and I will go to college at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.

My favorite place of all is Herzl Camp. At Herzl, I can do crazy and unusual things and nobody will think twice about it. Some people might even join in. During meals, music sweeps the dining hall into dance and song. Sometimes, you need to be reminded that mealtimes are for eating. On Friday and Saturday, we hold Shabbat Services on the mercaz, a structure that overlooks Devil's Lake.

Being a member of the HHS Robotics team has been the funnest thing I've ever done. Recently, we competed at the regional FIRST Robotics Competition and came in second place. I also go to karate at American Karate Studios, where I am a brown belt, which is one away from black. One thing that I have enjoyed for about half of my life is playing music. I have played clarinet since fifth grade, and am taking private lessons at Schmitt Music. When I go to the University of Mich, I plan to join the Michigan Marching Band.

I would really like to meet Steven Colbert. I love the Colbert Report, and wish it was on more often.

My favorite restaurants are Punch Pizza and Famous Dave's Famous Dave's has the best ribs, and Punch makes the most delicious pizzas.

On Saturdays, I volunteer at Adath Jeshurun, a synagogue where I teach fifth graders the prayers they need to know for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. I've been doing this for about five years.

I am deep into computer games, and my favorite one is Half Life 2 Death Match. I am a member of the {MaX} Clan for Half Life 2 Death Match My screen name is {MaX}KITTY GONE MAD!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Design Workbook

This piece of art contains lots of lines. Lots and lots of lines.

The fists stacked on top of one another give me a sense of unity.

The first thing I see when I look at this flower is the purple part in the middle. That suggests emphasis.

This picture definitely has form. It's a 3D object.

This picture is an example of balance. The balance is created by the two penguins facing each other and holding the same position.

This painting portrays a variety of colors and textures.

This image of the Olympic rings consists solely of shapes.

This image of a long road looks very open and roomy, so it is an example of a picture with space.

This image has texture. It gives the viewer the impression of roughness.

This image contains lots of colors.

The shading from light to dark is value.

This is an example of contrast. It uses variations in value and texture to make the image more interesting.

Since this is a photo of several glasses of champagne, and they're all standing in a row, this photo has repetition.

This cushion has a repeating design, so it has pattern.

If this image were making noise, it would be really noisy, so it has irregular rhythm.